Hikes / Social Walks
Once a month we go hiking, because exercise is good for dogs and humans. It also creates new friendships and small packs. These theme hikes are suitable for healthy and socially compatible dogs up from 6 months!
Everything about dog behavior, communication and the needs of your four-legged friends will accompany you during the 2-3 hours. Tips, tricks, exercises and interesting information included. In the summer months we try to arrange the walks in such a way that you can also stop somewhere at the end. This is free for everyone and is not included in the price.
We are looking forward to dog-human teams with socially acceptable dogs and in a good mood.
Of course, non-members of the Lucky Dog Center dog school may also participate!
You can conveniently register for the next hike in the customer area.
The price is 13€ (incl. 19% VAT) per dog.
Social Walks serve especially dogs, which are socially more or less incompatible. Here, too, everyone may feel addressed, whether small or large breeds.
These walks are kept shorter in time and can also be interrupted at any time. The well-being of the dogs is here the first priority!
In addition, the Social Walks are about tips and tricks for everyday life, assistance for owners and smaller exercise sessions, as far as possible.
The fun should be here also in the first place and no stress should arise.
Social Walks are limited to a maximum of 6 dog-human teams and cost 17€ (incl. 19% VAT) per dog..
Non-members of the Lucky Dog Center dog school may of course participate too.