Dog owner consultation

Would you like to talk to other dog owners and, above all, get an expert opinion on this and that? Then the dog owner consultation hours are just right for you!

As a dog psychologist, this is about people, our problems in everyday dog life and how we can solve them. Without accusations and strange thoughts, you can get rid of what you want to know and what is bothering you, and I will bring topics and questions with me.

You are welcome to attend this class with your dog, but you don’t have to. Dogs must be socially acceptable or be able to wait properly on the lead until their owner has finished talking. There will also be coffee/tea and cake, as is appropriate for a consultation.

As a dog psychologist, I see more and more that it’s not just the actual training with the dog, but that there is much more to it when there are problems in the human-dog relationship. And that’s exactly what we want to work on during a nice get-together in a professional dog owner consultation.

The dates are as usual in the online calendar.