In §11 para. 1 No.8f of the Animal Protection Act (TierSchG) it is specified that anyone who commercially trains dogs for third parties or instructs the training of dogs by the animal owner requires a permit.

In order to obtain this permit, in addition to my training as a dog psychologist nTR®, I took an additional examination of expertise with an official veterinarian of the official veterinary service of the LAV (State Office for Consumer Protection) in Saarbrücken. Within the scope of this examination, both my theoretical knowledge and my practical working methods were examined and tested on site.

In order to ensure compliance with animal protection regulations, anyone who trains dogs for third parties on a commercial basis in their business in accordance with §11 Para.1 Sentence 1 TierSchG, or who instructs the training of dogs by the animal owner, is under the supervision (monitoring) of the competent authority (§16 Para.1 No. 4 TierSchG).

Due to my conviction, the three building blocks of my work, the above-mentioned examinations and continuous controls, and last but not least the fact that I constantly attend advanced training courses in order to always be scientifically up to date, I can guarantee an absolutely dog-friendly and species-appropriate work.