Lucky (2011 – 2023)

My best friend

Lucky is a Chocolate Labrador and was born on 13.05.2011 in Rhineland-Palatinate. The first eight weeks seemed like an eternity, and as soon as I was allowed and it was safe for the puppies, I drove weekly to the breeder family to see my dog. That the little one should be called Lucky was quickly clear to me, and also Lucky had understood his name quickly.

As soon as Lucky moved in, the normal “puppy madness” began. Housetraining, chewing on all kinds of things, the first basics of education and heaps of questions. Luckily, Lucky was pretty quickly toilet-trained, and he also slept through the night pretty quickly. The puppy playgroup was an important point for us to clarify questions as well, and we really learned a lot there. In the first months I showed him the world from as many sides as possible, so that he gets to know everything and doesn’t have to be afraid of anything. I was completely thrilled how fast and great my dog learns, and with how much joy he was. A great help, for example when driving, was Dasty. Dasty was my first dog as a little girl, a West Highland terrier and already calm and comfortable in his old age. Lucky was initially scared when driving until one time we went to town with both dogs, me in the back seat. Quickly Lucky started to whine, but it was as if Dasty was telling him “Hey, it’s OK, driving is fun!”. Since that day, we have all been driving happily.

Thanks for your help Dasty, you are always with us, greetings to the rainbow land!

Without Lucky I would never be where I am today!